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Urinary tract infection (UTI) is a term used to express the infasi microorganisms in the urinary tract.
1. Significant Asymptomatic bacteriuria (ASB) is a significant bacteriuria without symptoms.
2. Bacterial Cystitis is a syndrome consisting of:
a. Urinating less time.3. Abacterial Cystitis (urethra Syndrome) is a syndrome consisting of:
b. Frequent urination (day and night).
a. Urinating less time.
b. Frequent urination without any bacteria in the bladder.
What causes urinary tract infection?
The most common cause of UTI is a Gram-negative bacteria that normally inhabit including intestine which then rises into the urinary system. Of gram negative turns E. Coli occupies the top spot, followed by Proteus, Klebsiela, Enterobacter, and Pseudomonas.
This type of Gram-positive Coccus less frequently as a cause of UTI, while Enterococcus and Stapilococcus aureus is often found in patients with urinary tract stones, elderly men with prostate hipertrophi or in patients using catheters. If found S. aureus in the urine should be suspected hematogenous infection of the kidney. So it is with pseudomonas aeroginosa can infect the urinary tract of hematogan path and in approximately 25% of patients with isolated tipoid salmonilla in the urine. Bacteria that can cause a UTI by way haematogenous is brusela, nokardia, aktinormises, and mycobacterium tuberkolosae.
Viruses are also found in urintanpa symptoms of acute UTI. Adenovirua types 11 and 12 suspected as cause of hemorrhagic cystitis. Hemorrhagic cystitis may also be caused by Scistosoma hematobium flatworms that belong to this class. Candida is a fungus that most commonly cause UTIs, especially in patients with catheters, diabetes mellitus or patients who received treatment with antibiotics spktrum area.
What are the symptoms of urinary tract infections?
Clinical symptoms of UTI are not typical and even in some patients without symptoms. Symptoms are often found is dysuria, polaki Syria, and urinary urgency that usually occur together. Supra pubic pain and pelvic area. Polikisuria occur due to the bladder can not accommodate more than 500 ml urine because of the inflamed mucosa, so frequent urination. Stranguria is a difficult urination accompanied by muscle spasms and waist are often found in acute cystitis. Tenesmus is pain with the desire to empty the bladder was empty though. Nocturia is likely to frequent urination at night due to decreased kandungkemih capacity. Often secondary nocturnal enuresis also found that wetting in adults, the difficulty in initiating urination prostatismus and less heavy flow of urine. Pain urethra, ureter and renal colic.
Clinical symptoms of UTI in accordance with the urine of infected as follows:
- At the bottom of the UTI, patients usually complain of pain or burning in the urethra during urination with little urine and discomfort in the supra pubic area.
- At the top of the UTI can be found symptoms of headache, malaise, nausea, vomiting, fever, chills, malaise, or low back pain.
What checks are carried out on urinary tract infections?
1. Urinalysis
a. Leukosuria2. Bacteriological
b. Hematuria
a. Microscopic3. Chemical tests
b. Bacterial culture
4. Plat-dye test (Dip-slide)
5. Radiological examination and other examinations.
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